
Press release: 2024 Australian Council of Graduate Research Excellence Award Winners Announced

April 2024

Exceptional academic and professional staff at the forefront of Australian graduate research training have been recognised in this year’s Australian Council of Graduate Research (ACGR) Excellence Awards.

Encompassing four categories, the ACGR Awards span key aspects of graduate research training, recognising excellence and innovation in supervision, leadership, programs and support, and industry engagement.

This year’s winners included:

  • iPREP Biodesign team of the University of Western Australia was recognised for excellence in promoting industry engagement in graduate research.
  • Professor Bob Wong of Monash University was recognised for excellence in graduate research supervision.
  • Professor Megan Lord of the University of New South Wales was recognised for excellence in graduate research leadership.
  • Dr Kaylene Cooper, Alexandra McKelvey and Lenore Irvine of the University of Queensland were recognised for excellence in graduate research programs and support.

‘The ACGR Excellence Awards recognise outstanding performance in higher degree research supervision, leadership and industry engagement,’ ACGR President, Professor Clive Baldock said.

‘The exceptional high quality of each of our 2024 Award recipients is reflective of the excellent higher degree research training environment to be found in our universities across the higher education sector.

‘We offer our sincere thanks to the 21 institutions who submitted a total of 39 nominations for this year’s ACGR Excellence Awards,’ Professor Baldock said.

Established in 2017, ACGR’s annual awards celebrate the highly committed leaders, supervisors, and professional staff supporting Australia’s graduate research candidates. They recognise those who work with industry partners and end-users to foster the next generation of Australian researchers and innovators.

Nominations for each of the four award categories were assessed by an independent and expert panel comprising representatives from the ACGR, member institutions as well as a current HDR candidate and an industry representative.

Each award-winning individual or team receives a grant of $3,000 as well as an invitation to attend an ACGR National Meeting.

Read more about the recipients on the awards webpage.

For further information contact

Tracy Sullivan

Executive Director, Australian Council of Graduate Research Inc.

Ph 043304875