
ACGR Webinar 4/2024 – Conversations with experts – how to best support your HDR candidates career development and direction

June 2024

With the best will in the world, an accomplished research academic may bring an element of unconscious bias to conversations with their HDR candidates around their future career direction. Statistics show that less than half of all HDR candidates in Australia will end up in higher education (GDS, 2022) thus, enabling conversations between supervisors and… Continue Reading»


ACGR Webinar 3/2024 – Empowering supervisors in working with non-English speaking candidates: examples from practice

June 2024

On Tuesday 25 June, Professor Santosh Jatrana and Dr Susan Gasson from James Cook University held a free interactive webinar that guided viewers through a six-phase tool and real-life examples to empower the supervision of students from non-English speaking countries. With data showing that the majority of overseas students in Australia have these backgrounds, this… Continue Reading»


Press release: 2024 Australian Council of Graduate Research Excellence Award Winners Announced

April 2024

Exceptional academic and professional staff at the forefront of Australian graduate research training have been recognised in this year’s Australian Council of Graduate Research (ACGR) Excellence Awards. Encompassing four categories, the ACGR Awards span key aspects of graduate research training, recognising excellence and innovation in supervision, leadership, programs and support, and industry engagement. This year’s… Continue Reading»

ACGR Update

ACGR members update for March 2024

March 2024

As we bring you this March update we continue to reflect on the recommendations of the Australian Universities Accord Final Report. It is heartening to see the Accord Panel has heard the voice of the graduate research community and adopted several of the recommendations put forward in the ACGR submissions, including: Increasing the RTP stipend. Acknowledging the… Continue Reading»

ACGR Update

ACGR members update for February 2024

February 2024

Welcome back for 2024! As you all hit the ground running in the new year we are primed and ready to support members through what will be another exciting and eventful year for graduate research. We look forward to the imminent release of the Australian Universities Accord recommendations and the Government response with a keen eye… Continue Reading»


ACGR April 2024 National Meeting Announced

February 2024

ACGR is looking forward to welcoming all members and their nominated colleagues to our first national meeting of 2024 on Monday 15th and Tuesday 16th April 2024. Co-hosted by the University of Adelaide and the University of South Australia, this immersive two day meeting will be held in the Adelaide Medical and Health Sciences (AHMS)… Continue Reading»

ACGR Update

ACGR members update for December 2023

December 2023

As the end of the year fast approaches it also sees Professor Imelda Whelehan conclude her term as ACGR President. Imelda has enjoyed steering the ACGR ship through the headwaters of the Australian Universities Accord process, a change-over of Executive Directors, and an extensive 2 year program of events and initiatives to support members. She… Continue Reading»


ACGR Webinar 1/24 – Research Training for Impact

December 2023

In late 2020, RMIT committed a portion of the additional RSP funding granted by the Commonwealth to the redevelopment of the coursework components of the HDR curriculum. The new curriculum went live in 2023. The curriculum redevelopment was lead by the School of Graduate Research and aimed to address some delivery issues in the existing… Continue Reading»

ACGR Update

ACGR members update for November 2023

November 2023

It has been a month of lively activity at ACGR, which is set to continue as we inch closer to our second National Meeting for 2023 and the end of the year. In October we delivered another successful iteration of the Graduate Research Leadership Program to an engaged cohort of attendees. We would like to thank all… Continue Reading»

ACGR Update

ACGR members update for October 2023

October 2023

As we move into the final stretch of 2023, we hope our October Members Update finds you all well. We have several events coming up in October and November and places are filling quickly. The Graduate Research Leadership Program is fast approaching on October 17th and 18th followed by the Internationalisation of Graduate Research Symposium on October 25th.… Continue Reading»

ACGR Update

ACGR members update for September 2023

September 2023

It’s been a busy month for ACGR with an abundance of exciting news to share with you in this update. Of course distilling member insights into our response to the Australian Universities Accord Interim Report has been top of our agenda and we’ve ensured your voice has been added to the ongoing conversation in the ACGR… Continue Reading»


ACGR Response to the Australian Universities Accord Interim Report

September 2023

The Australian Council of Graduate Research (ACGR) has welcomed the opportunity to provide feedback on the Australian Universities Accord Interim Report as part of the ongoing Australian Universities Accord consultation process. As the peak body for graduate research in Australia, thank you to all the institutional leaders who’ve contributed to the development of this response reflecting the views of ACGRs members.… Continue Reading»


ACGR Graduate Research Leadership Program 2023

August 2023

ACGR is delighted to present another of its national programs specifically designed to support Associate and/or Deputy Deans of Graduate Research, HDR Directors or equivalent and other academics aspiring to senior graduate research portfolio roles. This online event will take place over two half-day workshops on 17-18 October, 11am-4:00pm AEDT. Participants may include: • DDOGS™… Continue Reading»


ACGR Internationalisation of Graduate Research Symposium

August 2023

ACGR is delighted to announce the upcoming Internationalisation of Graduate Research Symposium! We invite you to join us for a day filled with insightful discussions, networking opportunities, and a chance to connect with fellow researchers from around the world. This exciting event will take place on Wednesday, 25 October 2023 at 4th Floor Auditorium, Green… Continue Reading»

ACGR Update

ACGR members update for August 2023

August 2023

No doubt the hot topic of conversation at present is the Australian Universities Accord Interim Report. An extensive document full of ‘spiky’ ideas, the release of the Interim Report presents another opportunity for the voice of the Graduate Research sector to be heard as we think through the implications of the report propositions and offer… Continue Reading»

ACGR Update

ACGR members update for July 2023

July 2023

It’s hard to believe July is already here. With half of 2023 behind us, we look forward to a full program of ACGR events in the coming months. In particular, we encourage members to save the date for several major upcoming events (registrations to open in mid-July): ACGR National meeting 2/2023 and AGM: November 13th… Continue Reading»


2023 ACGR Excellence Award Winners Announced

June 2023

Exceptional academic staff at the forefront of Australian graduate research training have been recognised in this year’s Australian Council of Graduate Research (ACGR) Excellence Awards. Encompassing four categories, the ACGR Awards span key aspects of graduate research training and recognising excellence and innovation in supervision, leadership, support and industry engagement. This year’s winners included the… Continue Reading»

ACGR Update

ACGR members update for June 2023

June 2023

It’s that time of year when we take time to acknowledge the exceptional work being undertaken in graduate research education across the country through the ACGR Awards for Excellence. Continuing to grow this year has seen our strongest support for the Awards, and we would like to extend our thanks to the 21 universities who… Continue Reading»