ACGR Update

ACGR Update July 2024

July 2024

We’ve made it to the halfway mark for 2024 and there is much exciting work on the horizon here at ACGR. We have multiple initiatives in train that we look forward to updating you on in the coming months but for now we ask that you lock November 7th and 8th in your calendar for the second… Continue Reading»

ACGR Update

ACGR Update June 2024

June 2024

It has been a busy month across the sector with much discussion regarding the Federal Budget and its implications for the higher education sector. Leading up to the Budget, there was much anticipation regarding potential implications for our universities. At ACGR we were particularly interested in whether there would be an increase in the RTP… Continue Reading»

ACGR Update

ACGR members update for May 2024

May 2024

It’s been a mere two weeks since we gathered in Adelaide for our National Member Meeting bringing together over 100 colleagues from across the country to engage in meaningful conversation and share ideas regarding graduate research. We would particularly like to thank our hosts, the University of Adelaide and the University of South Australia. We were particularly… Continue Reading»

ACGR Update

ACGR members update for April 2024

April 2024

It’s two short weeks until we gather in Adelaide for the ACGR National Meeting. We are excited to welcome you to Adelaide to reflect on the future trajectory of graduate research in the wake of the release of the Australian Universities Accord Final Report. Our keynote panellists Professor Marnie Hughes-Warrington and Professor Andrew Norton will set… Continue Reading»

ACGR Update

ACGR members update for March 2024

March 2024

As we bring you this March update we continue to reflect on the recommendations of the Australian Universities Accord Final Report. It is heartening to see the Accord Panel has heard the voice of the graduate research community and adopted several of the recommendations put forward in the ACGR submissions, including: Increasing the RTP stipend. Acknowledging the… Continue Reading»

ACGR Update

ACGR members update for February 2024

February 2024

Welcome back for 2024! As you all hit the ground running in the new year we are primed and ready to support members through what will be another exciting and eventful year for graduate research. We look forward to the imminent release of the Australian Universities Accord recommendations and the Government response with a keen eye… Continue Reading»

ACGR Update

ACGR members update for December 2023

December 2023

As the end of the year fast approaches it also sees Professor Imelda Whelehan conclude her term as ACGR President. Imelda has enjoyed steering the ACGR ship through the headwaters of the Australian Universities Accord process, a change-over of Executive Directors, and an extensive 2 year program of events and initiatives to support members. She… Continue Reading»

ACGR Update

ACGR members update for November 2023

November 2023

It has been a month of lively activity at ACGR, which is set to continue as we inch closer to our second National Meeting for 2023 and the end of the year. In October we delivered another successful iteration of the Graduate Research Leadership Program to an engaged cohort of attendees. We would like to thank all… Continue Reading»

ACGR Update

ACGR members update for October 2023

October 2023

As we move into the final stretch of 2023, we hope our October Members Update finds you all well. We have several events coming up in October and November and places are filling quickly. The Graduate Research Leadership Program is fast approaching on October 17th and 18th followed by the Internationalisation of Graduate Research Symposium on October 25th.… Continue Reading»

ACGR Update

ACGR members update for September 2023

September 2023

It’s been a busy month for ACGR with an abundance of exciting news to share with you in this update. Of course distilling member insights into our response to the Australian Universities Accord Interim Report has been top of our agenda and we’ve ensured your voice has been added to the ongoing conversation in the ACGR… Continue Reading»

ACGR Update

ACGR members update for August 2023

August 2023

No doubt the hot topic of conversation at present is the Australian Universities Accord Interim Report. An extensive document full of ‘spiky’ ideas, the release of the Interim Report presents another opportunity for the voice of the Graduate Research sector to be heard as we think through the implications of the report propositions and offer… Continue Reading»

ACGR Update

ACGR members update for July 2023

July 2023

It’s hard to believe July is already here. With half of 2023 behind us, we look forward to a full program of ACGR events in the coming months. In particular, we encourage members to save the date for several major upcoming events (registrations to open in mid-July): ACGR National meeting 2/2023 and AGM: November 13th… Continue Reading»

ACGR Update

ACGR members update for June 2023

June 2023

It’s that time of year when we take time to acknowledge the exceptional work being undertaken in graduate research education across the country through the ACGR Awards for Excellence. Continuing to grow this year has seen our strongest support for the Awards, and we would like to extend our thanks to the 21 universities who… Continue Reading»

ACGR Update

ACGR members update for May 2023

May 2023

How wonderful it was to gather for 2 days of conversation and networking at our ACGR National Meeting in Sydney. We had over 100 colleagues in attendance and the forward-thinking tone of the meeting was invigorating as we engaged with Professor Mary O’Kane and Professor Barney Glover to discuss the promising future of Graduate Research in… Continue Reading»

ACGR Update

ACGR members update for April 2023

April 2023

It’s hard to believe that April is upon us, which means that shortly we will have the opportunity to come together in person as colleagues make their way to Sydney. We are pleased to announce that the full program for the ACGR National Meeting is now available. We are also excited to welcome Professor Mary… Continue Reading»

ACGR Update

ACGR March 2023 update

March 2023

Dear Colleagues, Our ACGR update for March comes to you as we well and truly settle into 2023. A year that has already brought a breadth of discussion around what lies on the horizon for our sector, including higher degree research. To this end, this month we will be hosting a webinar on March 22nd… Continue Reading»

ACGR Update

ACGR February message from the ACGR Executive Director

February 2023

Dear ACGR Colleagues, As we ease into 2023 this year is shaping up to be one of reflection and renewal as we await the release of findings from the Review of the Australian Research Council and the unfolding of the Australian Universities Accord process. As always ACGR is ready and committed to supporting you in… Continue Reading»

ACGR Update

December update

December 2022

Message from ACGR President Dear ACGR friends and colleagues, With the final stages of 2022 firmly in sight, we once again express our sincere appreciation to the ACGR community for the varied and thoughtful contributions so generously provided throughout the year. It was both lovely and energising to reconnect with so many of you at… Continue Reading»

ACGR Update

ACGR November Update

November 2022

Entering the final stages of 2022 and with our National Conference fast approaching, we would like to take this opportunity to express our heartfelt thanks to all ACGR member representatives and especially those on our Executive for the diverse and valued contributions so generously provided over the course of the year. It has been a… Continue Reading»

ACGR Update

ACGR October Update

October 2022

Moving into the final (and ever increasingly busy) stages of 2022, we hope our October Members Update finds you all well. We start with a happy but cautionary reminder that places are filling quickly for our second ACGR National Meeting, scheduled to take place at ANU in Canberra on November 14 & 15. Places are… Continue Reading»