ACGR Update

ACGR members update for September 2023

September 2023

It’s been a busy month for ACGR with an abundance of exciting news to share with you in this update. Of course distilling member insights into our response to the Australian Universities Accord Interim Report has been top of our agenda and we’ve ensured your voice has been added to the ongoing conversation in the ACGR… Continue Reading»


ACGR Response to the Australian Universities Accord Interim Report

September 2023

The Australian Council of Graduate Research (ACGR) has welcomed the opportunity to provide feedback on the Australian Universities Accord Interim Report as part of the ongoing Australian Universities Accord consultation process. As the peak body for graduate research in Australia, thank you to all the institutional leaders who’ve contributed to the development of this response reflecting the views of ACGRs members.… Continue Reading»


ACGR Graduate Research Leadership Program 2023

August 2023

ACGR is delighted to present another of its national programs specifically designed to support Associate and/or Deputy Deans of Graduate Research, HDR Directors or equivalent and other academics aspiring to senior graduate research portfolio roles. This online event will take place over two half-day workshops on 17-18 October, 11am-4:00pm AEDT. Participants may include: • DDOGS™… Continue Reading»


ACGR Internationalisation of Graduate Research Symposium

August 2023

ACGR is delighted to announce the upcoming Internationalisation of Graduate Research Symposium! We invite you to join us for a day filled with insightful discussions, networking opportunities, and a chance to connect with fellow researchers from around the world. This exciting event will take place on Wednesday, 25 October 2023 at 4th Floor Auditorium, Green… Continue Reading»

ACGR Update

ACGR members update for August 2023

August 2023

No doubt the hot topic of conversation at present is the Australian Universities Accord Interim Report. An extensive document full of ‘spiky’ ideas, the release of the Interim Report presents another opportunity for the voice of the Graduate Research sector to be heard as we think through the implications of the report propositions and offer… Continue Reading»

Situations Vacant

HDR Candidature Coordinator, University of Tasmania

July 2023

In a dynamic and rapidly changing national context, the HDR Candidature Coordinator advances the University’s strategic priority to deliver excellent and impactful research training. The HDR Candidature Coordinator oversees the operational management of candidature. They facilitate effective and efficient governance and management of the HDR candidature journey for the University and provide advice on complex… Continue Reading»

Situations Vacant

HDR Scholarships and Partnerships Coordinator, University of Tasmania

July 2023

This new position leads the Scholarships and Partnerships team in GRO. In a dynamic and rapidly changing national context, the HDR Scholarships and Partnerships Coordinator advances the University’s strategic priority to deliver excellence and impact for and with our partners through funded and partnered HDR research. Key Accountabilities: As a member of the GRO Leadership… Continue Reading»

ACGR Update

ACGR members update for July 2023

July 2023

It’s hard to believe July is already here. With half of 2023 behind us, we look forward to a full program of ACGR events in the coming months. In particular, we encourage members to save the date for several major upcoming events (registrations to open in mid-July): ACGR National meeting 2/2023 and AGM: November 13th… Continue Reading»

Situations Vacant

Executive Director (Australian Council of Deans of Science)

June 2023

The Australian Council of Deans of Science (ACDS) is seeking an Executive Director Proposals should be submitted to . Further information is available from Professor Melissa Brown, President of the Australian Council of Deans of Science:  Introduction The Australian Council of Deans of Science (ACDS) represents and advocates for University Science in Australia. It comprises the… Continue Reading»


2023 ACGR Excellence Award Winners Announced

June 2023

Exceptional academic staff at the forefront of Australian graduate research training have been recognised in this year’s Australian Council of Graduate Research (ACGR) Excellence Awards. Encompassing four categories, the ACGR Awards span key aspects of graduate research training and recognising excellence and innovation in supervision, leadership, support and industry engagement. This year’s winners included the… Continue Reading»

ACGR Update

ACGR members update for June 2023

June 2023

It’s that time of year when we take time to acknowledge the exceptional work being undertaken in graduate research education across the country through the ACGR Awards for Excellence. Continuing to grow this year has seen our strongest support for the Awards, and we would like to extend our thanks to the 21 universities who… Continue Reading»


ACGR Response to the Australian Universities Accord Discussion Paper

May 2023

The Australian Council of Graduate Research (ACGR) welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback on the Australian Universities Accord Panel Discussion Paper and anticipates positive benefits for the sector as a whole from the results of the Review. ACGR was established in 1995 and is Australia’s peak body for graduate research education. Our purpose is to… Continue Reading»

ACGR Update

ACGR members update for May 2023

May 2023

How wonderful it was to gather for 2 days of conversation and networking at our ACGR National Meeting in Sydney. We had over 100 colleagues in attendance and the forward-thinking tone of the meeting was invigorating as we engaged with Professor Mary O’Kane and Professor Barney Glover to discuss the promising future of Graduate Research in… Continue Reading»


EOIs for 2023 Visualise Your Thesis programme now open

April 2023

  Expressions of interest are open for institutions wishing to participate in the 2023 Visualise Your Thesis (VYT) programme, facilitated by the University of Melbourne, and now in its fifth year on the international stage. Graduate Researchers are tasked with creating a 60 second video that explains their research to a non-specialist audience. By treating… Continue Reading»


ACGR feedback on Implementation of the Guidelines to Counter Foreign Interference in the Australian University Sector

April 2023

The Australian Department of Education is undertaking a detailed consultation to inform a report on implementation of the Guidelines to Counter Foreign Interference in the Australian University Sector (Guidelines) to the Ministers for Education and Home Affairs. ACGR was invited to provide feedback for the purpose of integrating insights on key themes, challenges, best practice,… Continue Reading»


AGCR Impact Blog ‘HDR making connections’

April 2023

Read the most recent AGCR Impact Blog ‘HDR making connections‘ by Tasha Kitano and Aleksandra Olechnowicz of Queensland University of Technology’s Graduate Research Education & Development team (GRE+D). Highlighting the importance of providing opportunities for higher degree research students (HDRs) to make connections throughout their candidature, the post discusses the tailored digital learning platform and… Continue Reading»


National Industry PhD Program Applications Open

April 2023

The National Industry PhD Program supports PhD candidates to undertake industry-focused research projects and be equipped with the knowledge and skills to better translate university research into commercialisation outcomes. Upon completion, candidates will have the ability to work at the interface of research and industry, and across the sectors in future. The Program consists of… Continue Reading»

ACGR Update

ACGR members update for April 2023

April 2023

It’s hard to believe that April is upon us, which means that shortly we will have the opportunity to come together in person as colleagues make their way to Sydney. We are pleased to announce that the full program for the ACGR National Meeting is now available. We are also excited to welcome Professor Mary… Continue Reading»


An update from ACGR sponsor Epigeum

March 2023

Did you see that the Epigeum full Research Skills Toolkit is now available? Designed to provide masters, doctorates and early career researchers with the skills and knowledge to become effective researchers, each programme within the toolkit aligns with different stages of their journey. Becoming a Researcher helps researchers develop the foundational skills to manage their research project… Continue Reading»