ACGR Update September 2024

Another month brings another exciting new ACGR initiative we are delighted to share with you. In this member update, we open nominations for the 2025 ACGR Awards for Excellence including the new ACGR Award for Excellence in Graduate Research Indigenous Excellence and Empowerment. This award recognises an individual or team who has excelled within the Indigenous Graduate Research space. This may include supervisory practices, support program development, curriculum development, and/or graduate research support services e.g. Indigenous research methods and protocol training, meaningful community engagement programs, and/or creating cultural responsiveness within the higher education space. We encourage you to share this opportunity throughout your networks and we look forward to receiving your nominations.

As we look ahead to the remaining months of 2024, it’s hard to believe we are now in September. The November National Member Meeting is fast approaching on 7-8 November.  Among other topics, we are keen to engage with members on a discussion of ACGR’s advocacy focus moving into 2025. We also invite you to register for our upcoming webinar and the 2025 Graduate Research Leadership program.

We look forward to engaging with you at one of the upcoming ACGR events and receiving your nominations for the 2025 ACGR Awards for Excellence.

Best regards

Louise Sharpe, Interim ACGR President